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Bigdata, Semantic IoT, Hadoop, NoSQL

Bigdata, Hadoop ecosystem, Semantic IoT등의 프로젝트를 진행중에 습득한 내용을 정리하는 곳입니다.
필요한 분을 위해서 공개하고 있습니다. 문의사항은 gooper@gooper.com로 메일을 보내주세요.

* 출처 : http://www.onem2m.org/technical/latest-drafts

Draft Release 3 Technical Specifications

 TS-0001 Functional Architecture3.7.08.21 MB28/07/2017
 TS-0003 Security Solutions3.5.04.26 MB27/08/2017
 TS-0004 Service Layer Core Protocol New3.4.08.1 MB03/10/2017
 TS-0005 Management Enablement OMA3.2.01.45 MB31/07/2017
 TS-0006 Management Enablement BBF3.5.1837.15 KB07/08/2017
 TS-0011 Common Terminology Popular3.0.066.68 KB17/02/2017
 TS-0012 oneM2M Base Ontology3.4.01.99 MB20/09/2017
 TS-0014 LWM2M Interworking Popular3.1.01.62 MB08/07/2017
 TS-0016 Secure Environment Abstraction Popular0.3.0619 KB03/12/2015
 TS-0017 Implementation Conformance Statements Popular0.0.5227.5 KB07/07/2016
 TS-0018 Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes Popular0.4.05.07 MB11/07/2017
 TS-0022 Field Device Configuration Popular0.11.01.03 MB30/03/2017
 TS-0023 Home Appliances Information Model and Mapping Popular3.4.32.19 MB04/07/2017
 TS-0025 Definition of Product Profiles Popular0.3.0462.5 KB23/02/2017
 TS-0026 3GPP Interworking0.4.04.14 MB31/07/2017
 TS-0030 Generic Interworking0.3.01.22 MB18/09/2017
 TS-0031 oneM2M Features Popular0.2.0576.5 KB13/03/2017
 TS-0032 MAF and MEF Interface Specification Popular0.1.0743 KB13/06/2017
 TS-0033 Proximal IoT Interworking0.1.0497.5 KB18/09/2017
 TS-0034 Semantics Support0.3.02.04 MB08/08/2017
 TS-0035 OSGi Interworking0.1.0223.5 KB31/07/2017


Updated Release 2 Technical Specifications

The following updates of the published Release 2 specifications have approved change requests applied to them. 

 TS-0001 Functional Architecture2.15.06.85 MB28/07/2017
 TS-0002 Requirements2.10.0644.7 KB20/06/2017
 TS-0003 Security Solutions2.10.04.03 MB28/07/2017
 TS-0004 Service Layer Core Protocol New2.14.07.37 MB02/10/2017
 TS-0005 Management Enablement OMA2.0.11.32 MB01/08/2017
 TS-0005 Management Enablement OMA (PUBLISHED) MB30/08/2016
 TS-0006 Management Enablement BFF2.1.0743.21 KB07/08/2017
 TS-0007 Service Components Popular2.0.18.8 MB05/01/2017
 TS-0008 CoAP Protocol Binding2.3.1292 KB31/07/2017
 TS-0009 Protocol Binding2.10.0193.49 KB01/08/2017
 TS-0010 MQTT Protocol Binding2.6.1787.26 KB05/09/2017
 TS-0011 Common Terminology2.8.062.34 KB22/09/2017
 TS-0012 oneM2M Base Ontology2.2.12.4 MB14/12/2016
 TS-0013 Interoperability Testing Popular2.2.02.56 MB28/02/2017
 TS-0014 LWM2M Interworking (PUBLISHED)2.0.0646.41 KB30/08/2016
 TS-0015 Testing Framework (PUBLISHED) MB30/08/2016
 TS-0020 WebSocket Protocol Binding2.1.1152.2 KB07/07/2017
 TS-0021 onem2M and AllJoyn Interworking (PUBLISHED) MB30/08/2016
 TS-0022 Field Device Configuration2.1.11.09 MB14/07/2017
 TS-0023 Home Appliances Information Model and Mapping Popular2.0.11.23 MB07/07/2017
 TS-0024 OIC Interworking2.0.1202.75 KB07/07/2017
 TS-0032 MAF and MEF Interface Specification2.0.1323.6 KB21/09/2017


Updated Draft Release 1 Technical Specifications

The following updates of the published Release 1 specifications have approved change requests applied to them. 

 TS-0001 Functional Architecture Popular1.17.011.82 MB01/07/2017
 TS-0002 Requirements (PUBLISHED)1.0.1760.65 KB30/01/2015
 TS-0003 Security Solutions Popular1.7.04.1 MB28/02/2017
 TS-0004 Service Layer Protocol Popular1.12.05.82 MB27/02/2017
 TS-0005 Management Enablement (PUBLISHED)1.4.1572.7 KB29/02/2016
 TS-0006 Management Enablement BBF (PUBLISHED)1.1.4864.82 KB29/02/2016
 TS-0008 CoAP Protocol Binding Popular1.6.0280.5 KB23/02/2017
 TS-0009 HTTP Protocol Binding Popular1.10.0446 KB16/01/2017
 TS-0010 MQTT Protocol Binding Popular1.6.0594.29 KB26/03/2016
 TS-0011 Common Terminology Popular1.4.0166.5 KB17/02/2017
 TS-0013 Interoperability Testing Popular1.4.03.57 MB28/02/2017
 TS-0017 Implementation Conformance Statements Popular0.0.4212 KB14/01/2016
 TS-0019 Abstract Test Suite Implementation eXtra Information for Test Popular0.1.0763 KB08/04/2016


Draft Technical Reports

 TR-0001 Use Cases Collection Popular3.0.18.31 MB09/07/2017
 TR-0002 Architecture Analysis Part 1 (PUBLISHED) MB28/07/2013
 TR-0003 Architecture Analysis Part 2 (PUBLISHED) Popular0.5.0483 KB28/07/2013
 TR-0005 Roles and Focus Areas Popular0.0.4126 KB20/02/2013
 TR-0006 Study of Management Capability Enablement (PUBLISHED) MB30/11/2013
 TR-0007 Study on Abstraction and Semantics Enablement Popular2.9.021.45 MB30/01/2016
 TR-0008 Analysis of Security Solutions for the oneM2M System Popular2.0.01.11 MB22/07/2016
 TR-0009 Protocol Analysis (PUBLISHED) MB11/06/2014
 TR-0013 Home Domain Enablement Popular1.0.06.93 MB17/03/2016
 TR-0014 oneM2M AllJoyn Interworking Popular0.4.03.73 MB20/07/2015
 TR-0015 Service Layer API Core Principles Popular0.1.093 KB12/01/2015
 TR-0018 Industrial Domain Enablement Popular2.5.03.96 MB09/06/2017
 TR-0019 Dynamic Authorization Popular2.0.04.97 MB07/12/2016
 TR-0020 Study of Service Transactions and Re-usable Service Layer Context0.8.03.67 MB02/06/2017
 TR-0021 Study of the Action Triggering in M2M Popular0.5.0541.5 KB27/07/2016
 TR-0023 oneM2M and OIC interworking Popular0.2.04 MB09/11/2015
 TR-0024 3GPP Interworking2.1.21.81 MB19/07/2017
 TR-0025 Application Developer Guide2.0.12.47 MB26/06/2017
 TR-0026 Vehicular Domain Enablement0.10.15.85 MB18/09/2017
 TR-0027 DDS usage in oneM2M system Popular0.2.03.08 MB15/12/2016
 TR-0028 oneM2M-OSGi Interworking Analysis Popular0.1.0197.5 KB01/04/2017
 TR-0029 Methodology of Product Profiles Definition Popular0.0.1100 KB29/07/2016
 TR-0030 Service Layer Forwarding Popular0.2.0402.5 KB20/11/2016
 TR-0031 LWM2M DM Interworking Enhancements Popular0.4.0529 KB10/04/2017
 TR-0033 Study on Enhanced Semantic Enablement Popular0.6.06.56 MB26/06/2017
 TR-0034 Temperature Monitoring Example Using CoAP Binding Popular0.2.01.48 MB05/04/2017
 TR-0035 Developer Guide of Device Management0.2.0723 KB15/08/2017
 TR-0036 Smart City Popular0.0.1100 KB06/12/2016
 TR-0037 Smart Farm Example Using MQTT Binding0.1.01.39 MB29/05/2017
 TR-0038 Developer Guide Implementing Security Example Popular0.2.0889.5 KB05/04/2017
 TR-0039 Developer Guide SDT Based Implementation0.0.41003.83 KB24/08/2017
 TR-0040 Trust Management in oneM2M Popular0.0.1109.5 KB17/02/2017
 TR-0041 Decentralized Authentication0.3.01 MB01/06/2017
 TR-0042 WoT Interworking Popular0.0.1104 KB06/04/2017
 TR-0043 Modbus Interworking Popular0.1.0259 KB07/04/2017
 TR-0044 Heterogeneous Identification Service in oneM2M System1.0.03.35 MB10/07/2017
 TR-0045 Developer Guide Implementing Semantics0.3.0689.82 KB13/01/2026
 TR-0046 Study on Disaster Alert Service Enabler Popular0.0.1101 KB10/05/2017
 TR-0047 Developer Guide of 3GPP Interworking0.0.198 KB25/08/2017
 TR-0048 oneM2M App-ID Registry Function0.0.1150 KB21/09/2017

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
740 [CDP7.1.7] oozie sqoop action으로 import혹은 export수행시 발생한 오류에 대한 자세한 로그 확인 하는 방법 gooper 2024.04.19 0
739 [Impala] alter table구문수행시 "WARNINGS: Impala does not have READ_WRITE access to path 'hdfs://nameservice1/DATA/Temp/DB/source/table01_ccd'" 발생시 조치 gooper 2024.04.26 0
738 [CDP7.1.7, Replication]Encryption Zone내 HDFS파일을 비Encryption Zone으로 HDFS Replication시 User hdfs가 아닌 hadoop으로 수행하는 방법 gooper 2024.01.15 1
737 [CDP7.1.7]Hive Replication수행중 Specified catalog.database.table does not exist : hive.db명.table명 오류 발생시 조치방법 gooper 2024.04.05 1
736 [CDP7.1.7][Replication]Table does not match version in getMetastore(). Table view original text mismatch gooper 2024.01.02 2
735 ./gradlew :composeDown 및 ./gradlew :composeUp 를 성공했을때의 메세지 gooper 2023.02.20 6
734 호출 url현황 gooper 2023.02.21 6
733 [vue storefrontui]외부 API통합하기 참고 문서 총관리자 2022.02.09 7
732 [Cloudera Agent] Metadata-Plugin throttling_logger INFO (713 skipped) Unable to send data to nav server. Will try again. gooper 2022.05.16 7
731 [CDP7.1.7, Hive Replication]Hive Replication진행중 "The following columns have types incompatible with the existing columns in their respective positions " 오류 gooper 2023.12.27 7
730 [CDP7.1.7]Oozie job에서 ERROR: Kudu error(s) reported, first error: Timed out: Failed to write batch of 774 ops to tablet 8003f9a064bf4be5890a178439b2ba91가 발생하면서 쿼리가 실패하는 경우 gooper 2024.01.05 7
729 eclipse editor 설정방법 총관리자 2022.02.01 9
728 주문히스토리 조회 총관리자 2022.04.30 10
727 [bitbucket] 2022년 3월 2일 부터 git 작업시 기존에 사용하던 비빌번호를 사용할 수 없도록 변경되었다. 총관리자 2022.04.30 10
726 oozie의 sqoop action수행시 ooize:launcher의 applicationId를 이용하여 oozie:action의 applicationId및 관련 로그를 찾는 방법 gooper 2023.07.26 10
725 주문 생성 데이터 예시 총관리자 2022.04.30 11
724 [EncryptionZone]User:testuser not allowed to do "DECRYPT_EEK" on 'testkey' gooper 2023.06.29 11
723 [CDP7.1.7]Encryption Zone내부/외부 간 데이터 이동(mv,cp)및 CTAS, INSERT SQL시 오류(can't be moved into an encryption zone, can't be moved from an encryption zone) gooper 2023.11.14 11
722 [CDP7.1.7]impala-shell수행시 간헐적으로 "-k requires a valid kerberos ticket but no valid kerberos ticket found." 오류 gooper 2023.11.16 11
721 [Encryption Zone]Encryption Zone에 생성된 table을 select할때 HDFS /tmp/zone1에 대한 권한이 없는 경우 gooper 2023.06.29 12

A personal place to organize information learned during the development of such Hadoop, Hive, Hbase, Semantic IoT, etc.
We are open to the required minutes. Please send inquiries to gooper@gooper.com.
