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Bigdata, Semantic IoT, Hadoop, NoSQL

Bigdata, Hadoop ecosystem, Semantic IoT등의 프로젝트를 진행중에 습득한 내용을 정리하는 곳입니다.
필요한 분을 위해서 공개하고 있습니다. 문의사항은 gooper@gooper.com로 메일을 보내주세요.

Setting up RStudio Server to run with Apache Spark


Zeppelin supports Spark, PySpark, Spark R, Spark SQL with dependency loader.

Python is supported with Matplotlib, Conda, Pandas SQL and PySpark integrations.


Jupyter kernels


Here is a list of available kernels. If you are writing your own kernel, feel free to add it to the table!

NameJupyter/IPython VersionLanguage(s) Version3rd party dependenciesExample NotebooksNotes
Coarray-FortranJupyter 4.0Fortran 2008/2015GFortran >= 7.1, OpenCoarraysMPICH >= 3.2DemoBinder demoDocker image
sparkmagicJupyter >=4.0Pyspark (Python 2 & 3), Spark (Scala), SparkR (R)LivyNotebooksDocker ImagesThis kernels are implemented via the magics machinery of the ipython kernel to use Spark via Livy
sas_kernelJupyter 4.0python >= 3.3SAS 9.4 or higher
IPyKernelJupyter 4.0python 2.7, >= 3.3pyzmq
IJuliajulia >= 0.3
IHaskellghc >= 7.6
IRubyruby >= 2.1
IJavascriptnodejs >= 0.10
jpCoffeescriptcoffeescript >= 1.7
ICSharpJupyter 4.0C# 4.0+scriptcs
IRKernelIPython 3.0R 3.2rzmq
SageMathJupyter 4Anymany
pari_jupyterJupyter 4PARI/GP >= 2.9
IFSharpIPython 2.0F#Features
lgoJupyter >= 4, JupyterLabGo >= 1.8ZeroMQ (4.x)ExampleDocker image
gopherlabJupyter 4.1, JupyterLabGo >= 1.6ZeroMQ (4.x)examplesDeprecated, use gophernotes
GophernotesJupyter 4, JupyterLab, nteractGo >= 1.9ZeroMQ 4.x.xexamplesdocker image
IGoGo >= 1.4
IErlangIPython 2.3Erlangrebar
ITorchIPython >= 2.2 and <= 5.xTorch 7 (LuaJIT)
IElixirJupyter < 6.0Elixir < 1.5Erlang OTP <= 19.3, RebarexampleIElixir Notebook in Docker
ierlJupyter >= 4.0Erlang 19 or 20, Elixir 1.4 or 1.5, LFE 1.2Erlang, (optional) Elixir
IAldorIPython >= 1Aldor
IOCamlIPython >= 1.1OCaml >= 4.01opam
OCaml-JupyterJupyter >= 4.0OCaml >= 4.02opamExampleDocker image
IForthIPython >= 3Forth
peforthIPython 6/Jupyter 5ForthExamplepython debugger in FORTH syntax
IPerlPerl 5
Perl6Jupyter >= 4Perl 6.czeromq 4
IPerl6Perl 6
Jupyter-Perl6JupyterPerl 6.CRakudo Perl 6
IPHPIPython >= 2PHP >= 5.4composerDEPRECATED, use Jupyter-PHP
Jupyter-PHPJupyter 4.0PHP >= 7.0.0composer, php-zmq
MATLAB KernelJupyterMatlabpymatbridgeExampleMetaKernel
BashIPython >= 3bashWrapper
PowerShellIPython >= 3WindowsWrapper, Based on Bash Kernel
CloJupyterJupyterClojure >= 1.7
CLJ-JupyterJupyterClojureAbandoned as of 2017-02-12
jupyter-kernel-jsr223Jupyter>=4.0Clojure 1.8clojure-jrs223, Java>=7Java based JSR223 compliant
Hy KernelJupyterHyTutorialtreats Hy as Python pre-processor
Calysto HyJupyterHyTutorialbased on MetaKernel (magics, shell, parallel, etc.)
Redis KernelIPython >= 3redisWrapper
ICalicoIPython >= 2multipleIndex
IWolframWolfram MathematicaWolfram Mathematica(R), MetakernelMetaKernel
Lua KernelLua
IPyLuaLuaFork of Lua Kernel
Calysto SchemeSchemeReference GuideMetaKernel
Calysto ProcessingProcessing.js >= 2MetaKernel
idl_kernelIDLIDL seem to have a built-in kernelstarting with version 8.5
Mochi KernelMochi
Lua (used in Splash)Lua
Apache Toree (formerly Spark Kernel)JupyterScala, Python, RSpark >= 1.5Example
Skulpt Python KernelSkulpt PythonExamplesMetaKernel
MetaKernel BashbashMetaKernel
MetaKernel PythonpythonMetaKernel
KDB+/Q Kernel (IKdbQ)IPython >= 3.1Qqzmq, qcrypt
KDB+/Q Kernel (KdbQ Kernel)JupyterQ
clingJupyter 4C++Example
cl-jupyterJupyterCommon LispQuicklispAbout
Calysto LC3Assembly Language for the Little Computer 3
IJythonJython 2.7
ROOTJupyterC++/pythonROOT >= 6.05
Gnuplot KernelGnuplotExampleMetaKernel
TclJupyterTcl 8.5Based on Bash Kernel
JJupyterJ 805Examples
JythonJupyter>=4.0Jython>=2.7.0Java>=7Java based JSR223 compliant
TaQLJupyterTaQLpython-casacoreTaQL tutorial
SPARQLJupyter 4Python 2.7 or >=3.4rdflibSPARQLWrapperExamplesOptional GraphVizdependency
AIML chatbotJupyter 4Python 2.7pyAIMLExamples
IArmJupyter 4ARMv6 THUMBExamplesBased off of the ARM Cortex M0+ CPU
SoSJupyter 4Python >=3.4ExamplesWorkflow system, Multi-Kernel support
jupyter-nodejsJupyter, iPython 3.xNodeJS, Babel, ClojurescriptExamples
PikeIPython >= 3Pike >= 7.8Wrapper, Based on Bash Kernel
ITypeScriptTypescript >= 2.0Node.js >= 0.10.0
imatlabipykernel >= 4.1MATLAB >= 2016b
jupyter-kotlinJupyterKotlin 1.1-M04 EAPJava >= 8
jupyter_kernel_singularJupyterSingular 4.1.0DemoOptional PySingular for better performance, surf for images, details
spylon-kernelipykernel >=4.5python >= 3.5, scala >= 2.11Apache Spark >=2.0ExampleMetaKernel
mit-scheme-kernelJupyter 4.0MIT Scheme 9.2
SciJava Jupyter KernelJupyter 4.3.0Java + 9 scripting languagesJavaExamples
IsbtJupyter 4.3.0sbt >= 1.0.0sbtexample
BeakerXGroovy, Java, Scala, Clojure, Kotlin, SQLexampledocker image
MicroPythonJupyterESP8266/ESP32USB or Webrepldeveloper notebooksrelies on the micro-controller's paste-mode
IJavaJupyterJava 9Java JDK >= 9Binder online demoBased on the new JShell tool
GuileJupyter 5.2Guile 2.0guile-json, openssl
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
621 hbase CustomFilter만들기 (0.98.X이상) 총관리자 2015.05.08 162
620 hbase가 기동시키는 zookeeper에서 받아드리는 ip가 IPv6로 사용되는 경우가 있는데 이를 IPv4로 강제적용하는 방법 총관리자 2015.05.08 268
619 secureCRT에서 backspace키가 작동하지 않는 경우 해결방법 총관리자 2015.05.11 719
618 Nodes of the cluster (unhealthy)중 1/1 log-dirs are bad: 오류 해결방법 총관리자 2015.05.17 599
617 Permission denied: user=hadoop, access=EXECUTE, inode="/tmp":root:supergroup:drwxrwx--- 오류해결방법 총관리자 2015.05.17 412
616 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.hadoop.util.ShutdownHookManager 오류조치사항 총관리자 2015.05.20 577
615 flume 1.5.2 설치및 테스트(source : file, sink : hdfs) in HA 총관리자 2015.05.21 1415
614 hbase shell 필드 검색 방법 총관리자 2015.05.24 1900
613 HAX is not working and emulator runs in emulation mode 메세지가 나오는 경우 file 총관리자 2015.05.25 162
612 apk 파일 위치 file 총관리자 2015.05.25 2230
611 센서테스트 file 총관리자 2015.05.25 167
610 Error: Could not find or load main class nodemnager 가 발생할때 해결하는 방법 총관리자 2015.06.05 426
609 Error: E0501 : E0501: Could not perform authorization operation, User: hadoop is not allowed to impersonate hadoop 해결하는 방법 총관리자 2015.06.07 385
608 "File /user/hadoop/share/lib does not exist" 오류 해결방법 총관리자 2015.06.07 655
607 hadoop 2.6.0에 sqoop2 (1.99.5) server및 client설치 == fail 총관리자 2015.06.11 1770
606 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.hadoop.http.HttpConfig.getSchemePrefix()Ljava/lang/String; 해결->실패 총관리자 2015.06.14 403
605 hortonworks에서 제공하는 메모리 설정값 계산기 사용법 file 총관리자 2015.06.14 719
604 java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: Hive Runtime Error: Unable to deserialize reduce input key from...오류해결방법 총관리자 2015.06.16 1769
603 Tracking URL = N/A 가발생하는 경우 - 환경설정값을 잘못설정하는 경우에 발생함 총관리자 2015.06.17 423
602 바나나 파이의 /tmp폴더를 외장하드로 변경하기 총관리자 2015.07.24 136

A personal place to organize information learned during the development of such Hadoop, Hive, Hbase, Semantic IoT, etc.
We are open to the required minutes. Please send inquiries to gooper@gooper.com.
