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Bigdata, Semantic IoT, Hadoop, NoSQL

Bigdata, Hadoop ecosystem, Semantic IoT등의 프로젝트를 진행중에 습득한 내용을 정리하는 곳입니다.
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서버작업등으로 Hadoop Cluster를 재기동하면 각 서비스를 올릴때 Kerberos가 설정된 상태에서 java.io.IOException: Could not configure server becase SASL configuration did not allow the Zookeeper server to authenticate itself properly: javax.security.auth.login.LoginException: Checksum failed가 발생하면 CM->Zookeeper->Instances->대상 instance를 선택후 "Actions for Seleced"탭에서 Regenerate Keytab을 눌러서 zookeeper.keytab을 재생성하고 다시 기동하면 정상적으로 기동된다.(다른 서비스들도 각각에 맞게 동일한 메뉴에서 keytab을 재생성할 수 있는 기능을 제공함)

(서비스(예, zookeeper/host_FQDN/Realm)용 principal들은 클라우레라가 서비스를 기동할때 만들어서 제공하므로 물리적인 위치에 파일로 존재하지 않으며 파일로 저장할 필요가 없다.)

그리고 Cloudera Manager에서 관리하고 있는 서비스 principal목록은 CM->Administration->Security->Kerberos Credentials에서 확인할 수 있다.

*참고 : Kerberos

- 설치 위치 : /var/kerberos/krb5, /var/kerberos/krb5kdc

- 데몬 : /usr/sbin/krb5kdc -P /var/run/krb5kdc.pid, /usr/sbin/kadmind -P /var/run/kadmind.pid 형태로 데몬이 뜬다.

- 관리명령어 : systemctl status krb5kdc, systemctl status kadmin

- 목록확인 

  sudo kadmin.local로 접근후 아래의 명령을 수행한다.


*참고2 : java의 jre/lib/security/jaas.conf파일내용

Server {

 com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required







*참고3 : /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.conf


  kdc_ports = 88

  kdc_tcp_ports = 88



   acl_file = /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl

   dict_file = /usr/share/dict/words

   admin_keytab = /var/kerberos/kerb5kdc/kadm5.keytab

   supported_enctypes = aes256-cts:normal aes128-cts:normal arcfour-hmac:normal

   max_renewable_life = 7d

   udp_preference_limit = 1


*참고4 : vi /etc/krb5.conf


    default = FILE:/var/log/krb5lib.log

    kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log

    admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmin.log


    default_realm = GOOPER COM

    dns_lookup_realm = false

    dns_lookup_kdc = false

    ticket_lifetime = 24h

    renew_lifetime = 7d

    forwardable = true

    udp_preference_limit = 1

    default_tkt_enctypes = des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-crc des3-cbc-sha1

    default_tgs_enctypes = des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-crc des3-cbc-sha1

    permitted_enctypes = des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-crc des3-cbc-sha1


    profile = /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.conf


    GOOPER.COM = {

        kdc = node01.gooper.com:88

        kdc = node02.gooper.com:88

        admin_server = node01.gooper.com:749



        kdc = node01.dev.gooper.com:88

        kdc = node02.dev.gooper.com:88

        admin_server = node01.dev.gooper.com:749



   .gooper.com = GOOPER.COM

    goopercom = GOOPER.COM

   .dev.gooper.com = DEV.GOOPER.COM

    dev.goopercom = DEV.GOOPER.COM

*참고5 : 서비스별 jaas.conf설정

https://www.cloudera.com/documentation/enterprise/5-14-x/topics/cdh_sg_zookeeper_security.html#prerequisites Create the JAAS Configuration Files
  1. Create the following JAAS configuration files on the HBase Master, RegionServer, and HBase client host machines.

    These files must be created under the $HBASE_CONF_DIR directory:

    where $HBASE_CONF_DIR is the directory that stores the HBase configuration files, such as /etc/hbase/conf.

    • On your HBase Master host machine, create the hbase-server.jaas file under the /etc/hbase/conf directory and add the following content:

      Server {
      com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required
    • On each RegionServer host machine, create the regionserver.jaas file under the /etc/hbase/conf directory and add the following content:

      Server {
      com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required
    • On your HBase client machines, create the hbase-client.jaas file under the /etc/hbase/conf directory and add the following content:

      Client {
      com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required

  2. Create the following JAAS configuration files on the ZooKeeper Server and client host machines.

    These files must be created under the $ZOOKEEPER_CONF_DIR directory:

    where $ZOOKEEPER_CONF_DIR is the directory that stores the HBase configuration files, such as /etc/zookeeper/conf.

    • On the ZooKeeper server host machines, create the zookeeper-server.jaas file under the /etc/zookeeper/conf directory and add the following content:

      Server {
      com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required
    • On each ZooKeeper client host machine, create the zookeeper-client.jaas file under the /etc/zookeeper/conf directory and add the following content:

      Client {
      com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required

  3. Edit the hbase-env.sh file on your HBase server to add the following information:

    export HBASE_OPTS ="-Djava.security.auth.login.config=$HBASE_CONF_DIR/hbase-client.jaas"
    export HBASE_MASTER_OPTS ="-Djava.security.auth.login.config=$HBASE_CONF_DIR/hbase-server.jaas"
    export HBASE_REGIONSERVER_OPTS="-Djava.security.auth.login.config=$HBASE_CONF_DIR/regionserver.jaas"

    where HBASE_CONF_DIR is the HBase configuration directory. For example, /etc/hbase/conf.

  4. Edit the zoo.cfg file on your ZooKeeper server to add the following information:

  5. Edit the zookeeper-env.sh file on your ZooKeeper server to add the following information:

    export SERVER_JVMFLAGS ="-Djava.security.auth.login.config=$ZOOKEEPER_CONF_DIR/zookeeper-server.jaas"
    export CLIENT_JVMFLAGS ="-Djava.security.auth.login.config=$ZOOKEEPER_CONF_DIR/zookeeper-client.jaas"

    where $ZOOKEEPER_CONF_DIR is the ZooKeeper configuration directory. For example, /etc/zookeeper/conf.

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A personal place to organize information learned during the development of such Hadoop, Hive, Hbase, Semantic IoT, etc.
We are open to the required minutes. Please send inquiries to gooper@gooper.com.
